Mes Aynak Update on Cultural Property News!

Mes Aynak. Figure of seated Buddha with head removed or destroyed. Credit Brent Huffman

Mes Aynak. Figure of seated Buddha with head removed or destroyed. Credit Brent Huffman

Professor and Director Brent E. Huffman shares his thoughts on Mes Aynak with Cultural Property News.

Cultural Property News published a major article in August 2018 on the excavations at the Buddhist site of Mes Aynak: Mes Aynak: Corruption, Copper and a Nation’s Heritage .

Filmmaker Brent E. Huffman returned to update the story: the discovery of new major works of art, recent attacks by insurgents that frightened off the Chinese miners, the tragic death of archaeologist Abdul Wahab Ferozi by the Taliban, and the misery of hundreds of villagers driven from their homes.