
Saving Mes Aynak featured on CNBC!

The fight to preserve Mes Aynak is still on and CNBC is helping to continue to share the movement with the world with this recent story written on Mes Aynak and the film. Though things have looked grim recently, coverage like this and sparking outrage at what MCC plans to do to Mes Aynak is exactly what we need to make sure Afghanistan's cultural heritage is preserved. 

According to UNESCO advisor Tim Williams, interviewed for the piece, Mes Aynak should be qualified as a World Heritage site if the government of Afghanistan were to apply for that status:"This is an outstanding and complex archaeological landscape, with astounding quality of preservation."

Please share this story, watch the film on Netflix whether it's your first or tenth time, host a screening in your community, and contact the Afghan government and president Ghani directly to express your support for turning Mes Aynak into a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Saving Mes Aynak free to watch in Afghanistan

Saving Mes Aynak free to watch in Afghanistan

Chicago not-for-profit documentary collective Kartemquin Films will release Saving Mes Aynak free to the people of Afghanistan. The award-winning documentary exposes a Chinese company's plan to turn a 5,000 year-old archeological site in Afghanistan into a copper mine, destroying priceless Buddhist relics.